Il weblog di Gokachu

martedì, aprile 27, 2004
Estemporanea (questo ed altro qui)
[Figures and explanation:]

C=Cooper D=dwarf S=singer L=Laura w=waiter G=giant *=shadow-self/
M=Maddy A=Annie c=Caroline W=Windom B=BOB Le=Leland doppelganger
?='wall' not visible 1=1st action in figure _ _ .-->-------._
normal=normal light 2=2nd action etc. _ | | | | `----.
strobe=strobing light o=statue |_ chairs | moving path <--'

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4
_____ ___________ _____ ___________ ___________
| o | _o_ | | | | _o_ | | _o_ |
| .--->C_ |D| | 3| | | | _ |D|L| | | _ |D|w|1 |
| | | |_ \ S| | | | |C \ | | |C / , |
1 | | | \ | 2 | | | `-<--L | <-' / |
C-->--' | `--<--D | | | | | 2G--' |
|__?__|___________| |__?__| |_____?_____| |_____?_____|
normal strobe normal normal normal

Figure 5 Figure 6
___________ _____ ___________ ___________ _____ ___________ _____
| _o_ | o | _o_ | | _o_ | o | ? | ? |
| _ | | | | ,--->C_ | | | | | _ |D| | | .--->C | |
| |C--._ ?| / ,--C|_ | | |_ ?| | | M _ | 3M |
| 1 `-->-' / |2 ?| | | | |? _\_| | | |
| <--' | | | 1C---' | |_|D|\`--<--' |
|_____?_____|__?__|_____?_____| |_____?_____|__?__|___2D<-'___|__?__|
strobe normal normal normal normal normal

Figure 7 Figure 8
___________ _____ ___________ _____ ___________
| | o | 1 | ,-->-. | o | |
| | .----C | L*|_| | | .--->C--. |
| ?| | | | 1 L* | | | <--' |
| C<-._ | | | | 2C-._ | | | ?|
| 2D* `---' | | `---' | |
|_____?_____|__?__| |_____?_____|__?__|_____?_____|
normal normal strobe normal normal

Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11
___________ _____ _____ ___________ _____ ___________ _____
| ? | | | | 2 | | ? | ? | ? |
| | .----C | .->-._ A/c* _| | .---._2 W _| |
|? C ?| | | | | | `C L*/W| | | | | `C B1 | | 3C* |
| c/A | | | | | |? 3 |_| | V |? C* |_| | |
| <---' | 1C---' | A | | | `----<--' |
|_____?_____|_____| |__?__|_________4_| |__?__|_____?_____|__?__|
normal normal strobe -> normal strobe

Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14
_____ _____ ___________ _____ _____ ___________ _____
| | | ? | ? 2C| | 1 | ? | _o_ | ? | 1
| ,---C1 | .----C3 ,--| .----C |CATCH<--_.| | | | ,---C
| / ,--C*3 | | .----._ / | | | | 3 | |_\`-._ ?| / ,--C*
<--' / | | | | | `-/_ <--' | | | `-._`-<--' / | 2
<---' Le*2 <--' V | ,-' `----C*4 | | | `--<--' |
|_____| |_____|__/________|__?__| |__?__|_____?__4B_|_____|
normal normal strobe normal strobe <- normal normal

* In figure 3, we don't see Laura coming into the room.
* In figure 10, we don't see Cooper walking through the hallway.
It's possible (but unlikely) that the room should be reversed, so that the
table and the people ends up along the left 'wall' instead.
* In figure 13, Cooper actually runs through the room along the 'wrong'
diagonal, according to the floor pattern in that scene!