Il weblog di Gokachu

lunedì, aprile 12, 2004
Aò, the passion of the christ?
Mentre il tenutario di questo blog continua a disertare la sala cinematografica in "attesa che le acque sbollano" (o per pura infingardaggine come mi viene il sospetto), vi segnalo questo sito dove potrete leggere, sembrerebbe per esteso, il libro The dolorous passion of our Lord Jesus Christ della mistica tedesca Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824), che pare abbia ispirato il film Gibson almeno quanto i Vangeli (fatta salva l'eliminazione dei numerosi angeli consolatori come quello in copertina).
The body of our Lord was perfectly torn to shreds,—it was but one wound. He looked at his torturers with his eyes filled with blood, as if entreating mercy; but their brutality appeared to increase, and his moans each moment became more feeble.

When the executioners had nailed the right hand of our Lord, they perceived that his left hand did not reach the hole they had bored to receive the nail, therefore they tied ropes to his left arm, and having steadied their feet against the cross, pulled the left hand violently until it reached the place prepared for it.